Bio-Fertilizer Manufacturing Process Using AIC's rapid composting inoculants.

  1. Weighing of the corresponding raw materials e.g. plant and animal wastes, sewage wastes, processing plant and farm wastes.
  2. Milling of the raw materials, if necessary.
  3. Piling and blending of the raw materials with the AIC rapid composting inoculants to achieved homogeneity.
  4. Turning of the biomass every other day for aeration and temperature adjustment until fully composted. During the composting process, moisture and temperature of the biomass are monitored. The optimum conditions for the above parameters are as follows:
  5. pH : 7 ± 0.5
    Moisture Content : 45 ± 5%
    Temperature : 65 ± 5 oC during thermophilic stage
    : 50 ± 5 oC during mesophilic stage
    : 40 ± 5 oC during curing or
    “sweetening” stage
    The composting process normally takes 15 to 21 days
    depending on the kind and nature of the raw materials.
  6. Curing of the compost for 7 to 10 days so it will be “sweetened”. This will allow the biological agents to convert inorganic compounds to more suitable and highly assimilable nutrients. This in turn will provide for better plant nutrition.
  7. Sifting and milling of the finished product.
  8. Packaging of the finished product in polyprophylene bags with polyethylene liners.

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